Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Write NC State Senators and Reps

I just recently learned that it is possible the Community Work Crew program is in jeopardy. I have been a chaplain at Swannanoa Correctional Center for Women (formerly Black Mountain Correctional) for almost two years. It has always amazed me what a difference the work crew can make in a woman's behavior, demeanor, and outlook. I've often wondered about it and even spoken with several inmates about why this is true. I always get the same answers: First, Mr. Hambor, their "boss" as they call him, has a positive influence on them. Second, they are able to stay busy every day, and they feel their work is truly worthwhile as they actually are able to give something back to the community. Third, work gives them a sense of purpose, something every human being needs.

We have several really great programs at SCCW, and they are essential to helping these women stay out of prison. And it's not all about keeping them out, either. I want them to learn to be good citizens. They will live in our neighborhoods, and how great for those who served on the CWC to aleady have a sense of pride about keeping the litter picked up. They also go out with the Black Mountain Beautification Committee and plant flowers. I think the grossest thing they do is clean up the Civic Center after things like the circus and concerts. They still do it with a sense of pride, though. One of the greatest jobs they do, however, is preparing and serving food at the Welcome Table. They get to work with a five-star chef who teaches them about the preparation of healthy food. Then they are able to see those who are able to pay a little extra for lunch enjoying a meal with folk who are hungry. True hospitality and love in action.

I know the North Carolina budget is in trouble. I know cuts must be made, but please, please write your legislators and ask them to keep the Community Work Crews in the budget.

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